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Referral tasting
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Business a tavola
Grazie Italia
Marketing Relazionale
Chi sono
Business a tavola
Grazie Italia
Marketing Relazionale
Survey Referral Tasting #12
Refferral Tasting
Business at the table and building relationships
Fill out the form
Fill out the form remembering that the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory
Thank you for agreeing to participate to this brief interview regarding the topic of business at the table. Our goal is to explore traditions and customs related to building professional relationships during shared meals, across different cultures and countries. Your responses will be most valuable to understand the role of food in creating lasting connections in the professional world.
Full name
City / Country
According to you, how important is the moment of sharing a meal in building professional relationships?
Very important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not important
In your country or culture, are there specific rituals or customs to observe when doing business at the table?
In your opinion, which moments at the table are most appropriate to conducting business?
Is there a traditional dish or local specialty that you consider representative for a business meeting in your country? If so, please describe it briefly.
Do you know of any books, blogs, or other content that discuss the importance of sharing food as a moment of building relationship? If so, could you share the titles or links?
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I agree to the processing of personal data pursuant to EU Regulation no. 679/2016, and to have read the privacy policy.
Consent for the use of shared information
By submitting the material in response to this interview, I automatically authorize the partial or full use of the shared information, including any quotes, within articles, books, blogs, online content, or printed materials. I authorize the free use of this information for dissemination and research purposes on the topic of business at the table and building professional relationships, with no claims regarding its future use. I understand and agree that the collected material may be shared on both online and print platforms.